Hello Family!!!!
So, to answer your questions father, Elder Orr is from Oklahoma, his Father actually served in the Utah, Salt Lake City, go figure! So the past week was ridiculous! SOOO much drama in my district of 14E! Two Elders were ready to kill each other and the whole thing escalated to the point where I was staying up until one in the morning talking to the branch president and talking to the two Elders. It subsided and all is well, but man oh man, we're missionaries here people, if someone hurts your feelings....SUCK IT UP!!! AHHHH!!! I guess the whole thing was good experience, I just wish everyone was as ready for a mission as me. As DL I also collect the mail, and some Elders have girlfriends and are OBSESSED with getting the mail and getting letters from "the girl". I find myself laughing inside, if only they knew girls don't wait! Hahaha yeah, definitely glad I have no lady friends I'm writing on a regular basis. Speaking of mail, mother dear, I appreciate the package you sent me, just a few things to tell ya:
No gum at the MTC (I guess it's a missionary rule, if you're chewing gum you look like you're lazy, or being too casual, or something like that with your image. I don't know, but whatev, a rule's a rule). Please no more candy/food. There's so much crap here at the MTC, I don't need anymore. Sorry. And you didn't send my watch, so if you could send that to me that would be grrrreat! Probably just send it to SLC.
Other than that the district is great! Most of the Elders are 19, but then Elder Dodge, Willnauer, an me are all 21. I really like both of them, especially Elder Dodge, He's a nerd and we talk about ninja turtles and video games, and he's down right hilarious! He also had health problems too, so him and me are tight. Last week at devotional we had Elder Hales speak, he's the man. I won't waste time being all spiritual and telling you all he said, but dang, I got wayyyy more appreciation for him, definitely moved up a couple of spots on my favorite apostle list! I lied my first email. We thought we were leaving the 30th, it's the 23rd for sure. Our new president gets to the MTC that day and gets to the mision home June 27th, so we'll be out about a week before we meet him. A kid in our district is from Delaware where my president is from, and is actually from the same ward! He says he's SUPER strict....like..."do something wrong and i'ma gonna kill you" type strict! I'm not worried or anything, I'm gonna be the most obedient missionary, I'm just a little concerned for other Elders, I don't want any of them to get hurt! Hahaha I'm still humble mom, no worries! Other than that life is good, I'm loving on the scriptures and making notes/highlights in them, I love class and learning, I LOVE THIS CHURCH!
Now to what has been on my mind, SPORTS! Todd, I'm depending on you for most of this info! Boston 3-2, sweet! What about world cup? I hear U.S tied England 1-1, not bad! What's going on with the NBA? Any major switches, where's Lebron at??? AND most importantly, WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE PAC-10??!!? Colorado is for sure in, and we're trying to get the Texas schools!?!?! What's going on in the world of college football!?!?! Please DearElder me, we get that stuff everyday and it's free, it'd be nice to get a note in the mail every day or so. Thanks Joce for sending me one, it was so good getting one amongst all the crazy girlfriend letters and DearElders! Well my time is expiring, time to check out. Peace out Fam, I look forward to hearing from you!
Scotty (Yeah, that whole "Elder Warczak" thing...kind of over that now, I'm still Scotty to you and the outside world!)